Flash Diffuser
This white portion is actually a flash diffuser to ensure that your pictures don’t make you look washed out from a direct flash.
Canon DLSR Camera
This isn’t an ipad camera or webcam. This is an actual pro photography camera that captures high quality stills and videos for GIF, BOOMERANG, and SLOW MO vids.
Touchscreen Monitor
Large multi-touchscreen monitor allows you and your guests to control the booth. Allowing you to start the booth at your choosing and inputting email for digital copies.
Instant Photostrip Printer
High quality, pre-cut photos will print out in under 15 seconds with this beast of a printer.
Sleek and Sturdy
We’ve designed the booth to fit in all event settings and yet be strong enough to withstand any guest who may have had a little too much from the open bar.
Options, we have them!
+ Hats, Boas, Glasses, Wacky Props
+ Feel free to bring your own too